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『VINE』誌のdigital preservation特集

情報管理やナレッジ・マネジメントに関する国際的な学術雑誌『VINE』の最新号が、前号に引き続きdigital preservationの特集を組んでいます。目次は以下のとおり。紹介サイトはこちら

Volume 34 Issue 2 of VINE

Title: The role of format in digital preservation
 Author: Stephen L Abrams
 Pages: 49-55

Title: Practical experiences of the Dutch digital preservation test-bed
 Author: Remco Verdegem; Jacqueline Slats
 Pages: 56-65

Title: The preservation of databases
 Author: Kevin Ashley
 Pages: 66-70

Title: Digital preservation of audio+ video and film
 Author: Richard Wright
 Pages: 71-76

Title: ERPANET: a European platform for enabling digital preservation
 Author: Seamus Ross
 Pages: 77-83

Title: The digital preservation coalition
 Author: Maggie Jones
 Pages: 84-86