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『American Archivist』Volume 77, Issue 1

『American Archivist』Volume 77, Issue 1(2014年春夏号)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

Presidential Address
Feeding Our Young (with an introduction by Merrilee Proffitt and Bill Landis)
 Jackie Dooley
Theodore Calvin Pease Award
The Strange Career of Jim Crow Archives: Race, Space, and History in the Mid-Twentieth-Century American South
 Alex Poole
Research Article
The Role of Copyright in Selection for Digitization
 Jean Dryden
Who's Ready to Surf the Next Wave? A Study of Perceived Challenges to Implementing New and Revised Standards for Archival Description
 Karen Gracy and Frank Lambert
The Massachusetts Experiment: The Role of the Environment in Collection Preservation
 Gregor Trinkaus-Randall, James Reilly and Patricia Ford
The Generic Evolution of Calendars and Inventories at the Public Archives of Canada, 1882-ca. 1975
 Jennifer Douglas and Heather MacNeil
Documenting the American Military Experience in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
 Heather Soyka and Eliot Wilczek
Data Curation and the University Archives
 Daniel Noonan and Tamar Chute
Digitization for Preservation and Access: Restoring the Usefulness of the Nitrate Negative Collections at the American Geographical Society Library
 Krystyna Matusiak and Tamara Johnston
Appraisal as Cartography: Cultural Studies in the Archives
 Kit Hughes
 Amy Cary, Heather Kramer, Meg Miner, Karen Miller, Gina Minks, Alexandra Gressitt and J. Daines
