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『Archival Science』Vol. 8, No. 4

『Archival Science』Vol. 8, No. 4(2008年12月)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

An introduction to digital convergence: libraries, archives, and museums in the information age
 Paul F. Marty
Archives, libraries, museums and the spell of ubiquitous knowledge
 Thomas Kirchhoff, Werner Schweibenz and Jörn Sieglerschmidt
Smithsonian Team Flickr: a library, archives, and museums collaboration in web 2.0 space
 Martin R. Kalfatovic, Effie Kapsalis, Katherine P. Spiess, Anne Van Camp and Michael Edson
Points of convergence: seamless long-term access to digital publications and archival records at library and archives Canada
 Greg Bak and Pam Armstrong
Documentary genre and digital recordkeeping: red herring or a way forward?
 Gillian Oliver, Yunhyong Kim and Seamus Ross
iSchools and archival studies
 Richard J. Cox and Ronald L. Larsen
