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『American Archivist』2004年春夏号

アメリカ・アーキビスト協会(SAA)が発行する『The American Archivist』の最新号Vol.67, No.1 (Spring/Summer 2004)の主な内容をご紹介します。

From the Editor
  Philip B. Eppard. Enriching our archival literature. -- p.8
Theodore Calvin Pease Award
  Glenn Dingwall. Trusting archivists: the role of archival ethics codes in establishing public faith. -- p.11
Reconsidering Archival Classics
  Terry Eastwood. Jenkinson's writings on some enduring archival themes. -- p.31
  Dwayne Cox. Title company v. county recorder: a case study in open records litigation, 1874-1918. -- p.46
  Nancy E. Loe. Avoiding the golden fleece: licensing agreements for archives. -- p.58
  Gari-Anne Patzwald and Sister Carol Marie Wildt. The use of convent archival records in medical research: the school sisters of Notre Dame archives and the Nun study. -- p.86
Review Essay
  Joan M. Schwartz. Negotiating the visual turn: new perspectives on images and archives. -- p.107
  Reviewed by Paul Conway. Richard J. Cox, Vandals in the stacks? a response to Nicholson Baker's assault on libraries. -- p.123

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