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『Archives and Records』Volume 37, Issue 1

『Archives and Records』Volume 37, Issue 1(2016年)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

 Jenny Bunn & Sarah Higgins
Flexible processing and diverse collections: a tiered approach to delivering born digital archives
 Dorothy Waugh, Elizabeth Russey Roke & Erika Farr
Born-digital archives at the Wellcome Library: appraisal and sensitivity review of two hard drives
 Victoria Sloyan
Describing the digital: the archival cataloguing of born-digital personal papers
 John Langdon
Aggregate control of scientific data
 Jinfang Niu
Archival description and automation: a brief history of going digital
 Jenny Bunn
Book Reviews
Encyclopedia of Archival Science
The museum effect: how museums, libraries and cultural institutions educate and civilise society
 Caroline Williams
Leading the historical enterprise: strategic creativity, planning, and advocacy of the digital age
 Valerie Johnson
Preserving our heritage: perspectives from antiquity to the digital age
 Birthe Christensen
Digitization and digital archiving: a practical guide for librarians
 Adrian Brown
Digital preservation for libraries, archives and museums
 Simon Wilson
Becoming a trusted digital repository, by Steve Marks
 Jenny Mitcham
Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections
 Adele Redhead
A handbook for corporate information professionals
 Lee J. Pretlove
Information needs analysis: principles and practice in information organizations, by Daniel G Dorner, G E Gorman and Philip J Calvert
 Geoffrey Yeo
Using functional analysis in archival appraisal: a practical and effective alternative to traditional appraisal methodologies
 Margaret Crockett
Rights in the digital era
 Caroline Kimbell
Review of copyright books by Graham Cornish, Paul Pedley and Tim Padfield
 Victoria Stobo
Privacy in the age of big data: recognizing threats, defending your rights and protecting your family
 Amy Todman
Information privacy fundamentals for librarians and information professionals
 Genevieve Silvanus
Donors and archives: a guidebook for successful programs
 Stephen Scarth
Marketing and social media: a guide for libraries, archives and museums
 Alexandra Eveleigh
The first century of welfare: poverty and poor relief in Lancashire 1620–1730
 Robert F. W. Smith
BIALL handbook of legal information management
 David Gee
John D Cantwell (1924–2015)
 Andrew McDonald
Margaret Holmes (1923–2015)
 Hugh Jaques
Christopher Jeens (1954–2015)
 Caroline Sampson
Andrew Wesley Howard Medlicott (1943–2015)
 Susan Healy
Marion Mitchell Stewart MBE (1942–2015)
 Frances Shaw & Graham Roberts
Notice of new publications received July to December 2015
 Susan Healy
