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『Archival Science』Vol. 12, Issue 2

『Archival Science』Vol. 12, Issue 2(2012年6月)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

Editors’ introduction to Keeping cultures alive: Archives and Indigenous human rights
 Sue McKemmish, Livia Iacovino, Lynette Russell, Melissa Castan
Indigenous human rights and knowledge in archives, museums, and libraries: some international perspectives with specific reference to New Zealand and Canada
 Bradford W. Morse
The practical power of human rights: how international human rights standards can inform archival and record keeping practices
 Mick Gooda
Keeping cultures alive: archives and Indigenous cultural and intellectual property rights
 Terri Janke, Livia Iacovino
Native America’s twenty-first-century right to know
 Allison Boucher Krebs
Local archives and community collecting in the digital age
 Lyndon Ormond-Parker, Robyn Sloggett
Indigenous peoples’ human rights and the Victorian Charter: a framework for reorienting recordkeeping and archival practice
 Melissa Castan, Julie Debeljak
“Peace, order and good government”: archives in society
 Ian E. Wilson
