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『Records Management Journal』Vol. 20, Issue 3

『Records Management Journal』Vol. 20, Issue 3(2010年)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

What will be the next records management orthodoxy?
 James Lappin
Digital recordkeeping: are we at a tipping point?
 Kate Cumming, Cassie Findlay
Human-computer interaction: the missing piece of the records management puzzle?
 Steve Bailey, Jay Vidyarthi
Scholarly and professional journals in the digital environment
 David Nicholas
Professional resources
Metadata. A Basic Tutorial for Records Managers. ARMA TR 03-2009
 Sue Childs
Information Risk Management: Valuing, Protecting and Leveraging Business Information
 Naomi Hay-Gibson
Classification Made Simple: An Introduction to Knowledge Organisation and Information Retrieval (3rd edition)
 Catherine Robinson
How to Develop a Retention Schedule
 Katharine Stevenson
