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『Archival Science』Vol. 10, No. 3

『Archival Science』Vol. 10, No. 3(2010年9月)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

Special Issue: Archival Knowledge Cultures in Europe, 1400-1900
Preface: Historical research on archives and knowledge cultures: an interdisciplinary wave
 Randolph C. Head
 Ann Blair
Records out and archives in: early modern cities as creators of records and as communities of archives
 Eric Ketelaar
Document collections, mobilized regulations, and the making of customary law at the end of the Middle Ages
 Simon Teuscher
Ordering the archive in early modern Venice (1400–1650)
 Filippo De Vivo
From abbey to archive: managing texts and records in early modern England
 Nicholas Popper
‘Arca, archivillo, archivo’: the keeping, use and status of historical documents about the Spanish Conquista
 Arndt Brendecke
Archives as networks: the geography of record-keeping in the Society of Jesus (1540–1773)
 Markus Friedrich
Confession, confusion, and rule in a box? Archival accumulation in northwestern Germany in the age of confessionalization
 Mareike Menne
Archival objects in motion: historians’ appropriation of sources in nineteenth-century Austria and Switzerland
 Daniela Saxer
Afterword: in and out of the archives
 Anne Gilliland
