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『Journal of the Society of Archivists』Vol. 28, No. 2

『Journal of the Society of Archivists』Vol. 28, No. 2(2008年)の主な内容は以下のとおりです。

Original Article
Taking the Road Less Travelled By: The Future of the Archive and Records Management Profession in the Digital Age
 Steve Bailey
Freedom of Information and Records Management in the UK: What has been the Impact?
 Elizabeth Shepherd
Colliding Worlds in the Curatorial Environment: The Archivist and the Activist
 Charlotte Berry; Lucy MacKeith
Community Histories, Community Archives: Some Opportunities and Challenges
 Andrew Flinn
The Historical Archives of the European Union: Their Opening to the Public, Management and Accessibility
 Christopher Audland
Restrictions on Access to Archives and Records in Europe: A History and the Current Situation
 Jaak Valge; Birgit Kibal
