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『Archival Science』Vol. 15, Issue 4

『Archival Science』Vol. 15, Issue 4(2015年12月)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

“Humanizing an inevitability political craft”: Introduction to the special issue on archiving activism and activist archiving
 Andrew Flinn, Ben Alexander
Original Paper
Self-determination and archival autonomy: advocating activism
 Joanne Evans, Sue McKemmish, Elizabeth Daniels, Gavan McCarthy
Treading the ground of contested memory: archivists and the human rights movement in Chile
 Amanda Strauss
A web-based community-building archives project: a case study of Kids in Birmingham 1963
 Sonia Yaco, Ann Jimerson, Laura Caldwell Anderson, Chanda Temple
Activating the archive: rethinking the role of traditional archives for local activist projects
 Alexandrina Buchanan, Michelle Bastian
Interference Archive: a free space for social movement culture
 Alycia Sellie, Jesse Goldstein, Molly Fair, Jennifer Hoyer
