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『Archives and Records』Vol. 34, Issue 1

英国アーカイブズ・記録協会の機関誌『Archives and Records』Vol. 34, Issue 1(2013年7月)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

Writing the record office
 Margaret Procter & Elizabeth Shepherd
Myths of the golden age: English local record offices, 1947–1962
 Michael Cook
County committee to county record office? The National Register of Archives and the growth of the county archive network
 Melinda Haunton
English local records: problems and proposals, 1880–1920
 Margaret Procter
From Record Commissions to Record Repositories: archival custody in Wales, 1800–1995
 Susan Jane Davies & Julie Dawn Stanton Mathias
Yorkshire archives and a league of gentlemen: the Yorkshire Archaeological Society and record-collecting 1863–2013
 Kirsty McHugh & Brian Barber
A history of the Shetland Archives
 Joanne Ruth Wishart
‘Paid eight guinuyes for an index’: the origins of the Hull History Centre
 Paul Leaver
Bedfordshire 1913–2013. The First County Record Office and how it has evolved to meet the challenges of the first 100 years
 James Francis John Collett-White
Patricia Bell (1936 – 2012)
 Nigel Lutt
Alan Frank Cirket (1921 – 2013)
 Pamela Birch
Book Reviews
The day Parliament burned down
 Valerie Johnson
Facsimiles of English Episcopal Acta, 1085-1305 (English Episcopal Acta Supplementary Volume 1)
 Aaron Hope
The wills of our ancestors: a guide for family and local historians
 Jonathan Pepler
Project management in libraries, archives and museums: working with government and other external partners
 Rose Roberto
Records management for museums and galleries: an introduction
 Nicholas Donaldson
Digital images for the information professional
 Aidan Robertson
The lone arranger, succeeding in a small repository
 Michele Losse
Exhibition Review
A century of change, conflict and transformation
 Garth Stewart

なお、同誌は『Journal of the Society of Archivists』の後継誌です。