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『Journal of the Society of Archivists』Vol. 30, Issue 2

『Journal of the Society of Archivists』Vol. 30, Issue 2(2009年)の主な内容は以下の通りです。

The National Archives and the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Council on National Records and Archives in the Freedom of Information Era
 Lâle Özdemir
Freedom of Information: Erosion of the Archive?
 Peter Sebina
Developing and Re-developing the Code of Practice on Records Management under Section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
 Susan Healy
A Practitioner's Guide to the Freedom of Information Act 2000
 Margaret Crockett
The Impact of Freedom of Information on Records Management and Record Use in Local Government: A Literature Review
 Elizabeth Shepherd; Alice Stevenson; Andrew Flinn
The Connection between Good Governance and Record Keeping: The Sierra Leone Experience
 John Abdul Kargbo
