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『Archival Science』Vol. 6, No. 3-4

『Archival Science』Vol. 6, No. 3-4(2006年12月発行)の主な内容は以下のとおりです。
第2回記録とアーカイブズの歴史に関する国際会議(International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (ICHORA-2))の特集号です。

 Karen Anderson, Eric Ketelaar and Elizabeth Yakel
Reading Colonial Records Through an Archival Lens: The Provenance of Place, Space and Creation
 Jeannette Allis Bastian
Passive keepers or active shapers: a comparative case study of four archival practitioners at the end of the nineteenth century
 Donna Holmes
American historians and European archival theory: the collaboration of J.F. Jameson and Waldo G. Leland
 Randall C. Jimerson
From the memory of the act to the act itself.The evolution of written records as proof of jural acts in England, 11th to 17th century
 Heather MacNeil
Subject or object? Shaping and reshaping the intersections between aboriginal and non-aboriginal records
 Laura Millar
The concept of societal provenance and records of nineteenth-century Aboriginal–European relations in Western Canada: implications for archival theory and practice
 Tom Nesmith
Consolidation and separation: British archives and American historians at the turn of the twentieth century
 Margaret Procter
Archives of the new possession: Spanish colonial records and the American creation of a ‘national’ archives for the Philippines
 Ricardo L. Punzalan
What are these among so many? Pre and post Vatican II recordkeeping
 Anthea Seles
